Unoffical efc magazine

About the magazine

Funny Captions

Next issue

Contact Page

Links of the month

section one of magazine

section two of magazine

section three of magazine

section four of magazine

Image page 2

Image page 3

Image page 4

Image page 5

Image page 6

Order page/ Subscriptions

Welcome To the website for
The Unoffical Earth Final Conflict Magazine.

A june/july convention issue is in the process of being put together an interview from a convention guest will be in this issue.

There was no april/may issue as all contributers were busy and i was trying not to loose my job. It would be easier if i worked for a taelon.
Unoffical Efc magazine Updates

20/11/2002     decided on part
of the jan/feb issue and made changes to site
18/11/2002    Started to put the
November/December issue
12/11/2002     5th Anniversary for
Earth Final Conflict issue was decided
for the last issue of the year

02/08/2002     uploaded more of
may-june issue of magazine
25/06/2002   Recreated magzine
background in preporation of new issue.

More updates soon to come.

This site is underconstruction right now.

Notifying Visitors of Site changes

The most recent change was that I changed the magazine's background.

Order the magazine

Click to subscribe to GatewayPortal_Fanwriters

Subscribe to Augurs_Flat_Planet_Cafe

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Got captions for efc images

Then if you do please e-mail complete image and captions and you to can be apart of the efc magazine for an issue or more.

Unoffical Earth Final Conflict Magazine